Times get tough and sometimes we need a little love to overcome the obstacles. It seems like a little corgi named Wallace has a way to make things better: he gives sweet hugs.
When the dog is walking with the owner Noah Raminick, the owner knows he will have to stop every time they see another puppy on the road.
Wallace enjoys playing and won’t accept a dog to pass him by without giving him a tender sweet hug.
“He’s the biggest sweetheart,” told Raminick, Wallace’s brother, for The Dodo. “He’s always very happy to be around people and other dogs. He loves to give face kisses to people and when he sees another dog, he’s always the one to initiate a play session.”
When it comes to the big dogs the tiny corgi shows no fear, instead he will go to his hind legs trying to find the most suitable position to give his hug.
The puppies bestie is Daisy a Great Dane and he knows that in friendships size doesn’t matter.
“They always hug when they see each other,” says Raminick.
“And one of her paws weighs as much as Wallace’s entire body.”
Wallace is gentle with the smaller dogs he always makes sure to play with them in a gentle way so he doesn’t scare his new friend, he won’t give the hug until he sniffs that the other canine is ok with that first.
“The thing I find interesting with his hugging is that he wasn’t trained to do that at all,” Raminick said. “I think it comes down to him being really excited about playing with another dog.”
The sweet pooch makes sure to give love to his human family too.
“His favorite things are morning and evening cuddles, playing fetch and me chasing him around the house,” said Raminick. “I don’t think Wallace has any dislikes.”
Awww such a sweetheart, I’m sure the family feels blessed having a dog that gives so much love to them.

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